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Front disc brake pads TOYOTA CALDINA 87-02, CAMRY 90-98


CHEVROLET: 18029118
DAIHATSU: 0446533021 446533021 446533210
GM: 18029118 94858707
LEXUS: 0446512110 0446512593 0446533090 0446542040 0446542041 0446542100 0446542120 0446544120 0449102030 0449112640 0449133010 446542120 446544110
MAZDA: 1V193328Z 1Y0V3328Z 1Y0W3328Z V91150023 V9118A039 V9118A066 V9118L066
SUBARU: 0446520450
TOYOTA: 0446533021 0446533160 0446502020 0446505010 0446506010 0446512110 0446512500 0446512530 0446512540 0446512550 0446512593 0446520110 0446520120 0446520130 0446520140 0446520450 0446520490 0446522280 0446530240 0446530250 0446532200 0446533020 0446533040 0446533050 0446533090 0446533210 0446542010 0446542011 0446542012 0446542040 0446542041 0446542050 0446542060 0446542090 0446542100 0446542120 0446544020 0446544030 0446544040 0446544070 0446544120 0446544130 0446547010 04465YZZ01 04465YZZ21 04465YZZ51 04465YZZA0 04465YZZAB 04465YZZD0 0449106060 0449102030 0449105010 0449106010 0449106030 0449106070 0449112640 0449112650 0449112651 0449117160 0449120880 0449120890 0449122370 044912B010 044912B050 044912B080 0449132420 0449133010 0449133011 0449133030 0449133060 0449133080 0449142010 0449142011 0449142012 0449150190 0449150200 0494542040 0494547010 441132000 441132001 446502010 446505010 446512500 446512520 446512530 446512540 446512550 446512593 446520110 446520120 446520130 446520140 446520450 446520490 446532200 446533020 446533021 446533040 446533050 446533090 446533160 446533210 446542010 446542011 446542012 446542020 446542040 446542041 446542050 446542060 446542090 446542100 446542120 446544020 446544030 446544040 446544110 446544120 446544130 446547010 449105010 449106010 449106030 449112640 449112650 449112651 449120880 449120890 449122370 449132420 449133010 449133011 449133030 449133060 449133080 449142010 449142011 449142012 4774605010 4774705010 4775705010 AY040TY022 V91150023 V91181039 V91183028 V9118A039 V9118A066 V9118L028
VAG: 446505010 446520120
    COROLLA (_E11_)
    COROLLA Compact (_E11_)
    COROLLA Liftback (_E11_)
    COROLLA Wagon (_E11_)


Length, mm:


Width, mm:


Thickness, mm:


Wear sensor:


Brake system:
